After this month that doesn't exist from the working point of view (not purely my case) we are back to do the linac's commissioning. Some projects are working fine to be used in the real world: the 'Fluorescence Screen Gui' and the 'Energy & Emittance Measurement'. I like to show the last layer view of this work here.
First of all the fsotr: This is an snapshot of a (non-electron) beam take during this August. This is a light reflection that seems like a beam and the ImgBeamAnalyzer doesn't know about differences.
The pneumatic valve position can be selected in the top right off the screen and the values of the camera exposition are next to this. And the image is show on the left with the profiles and, if its the case the fit of this profile. Then all the data from this picture processed.
An important change from the last version. This analyzer was working doing polling of the camera, and every fixed time it ask for a new one and process it. Now this device is subscribed to the camera, and is this camera (using Tango way) who advice the analyzer because a new image is able.
Next project is the E&E measurement: With this what is want is to measure the beam energy and then the emittance of the beam. In fact this is an scan of a magnet. For example, to know the energy of a beam the bending magnet can be used to know how hard is the beam to be bended: more energetic means more current to the magnet to bend it.
This projects will be used tomorrow in the linac's commissioning restart. Almost all the requirement are done, only rest the last ones that was asked for. Final tuning.
The neutrino was theorized in 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli and detected form the first time in 1956. During this long time since now this particle have some veil of uncertainty because of its really small mass, it was not much affected by big masses. Also this particle doesn't interact much with the rest of the matter then is able to pass along out planet without contact. Also because of its small mass this particles travels at speeds close to the light.
Really big structures has need to detect this avoids particle. In order to find some of this not much interactions a huge detector is required Super-Kamiokande. A huge pool of water, in a dark place down to the Earth surface, with a large number of photo amplifiers who multiplies any small interaction.
This can change if a core planet study project go ahead. Right now we are using seismic waves to study the structure of this big mass where we live (relatively big, do not compare it with Jupiter, neither the sun, and in any case with Antares). The seismic waves interact with all the matter in the middle to the core (it means noise), but neutrinos has the other extreme characteristic they will interact a little with the core, but more that the rest of the panetary matter.
Do not forget that the elementary material of the ringworld absolves the 40% of the neutrinos...
A few days a go I was reading about warp speed and how travel fast than the light can be understand that it is under contradiction with relativity.
Science-fiction uses objects that the physics theories says as possible according with other theories that are also unverified. But is nice when you read scifi books or swatch tv shows how interstellar trips can be possible or also intergalactic. But my pleasure in a well when I read the humans, perhaps, never travel far from the solar system. The tech advances can be at a light years distance...
But also we can handle the hope that we are talking from an age like the Ancient Greek says there is no possible to jump higher to the sky...
A few weeks a go, I was reading about a curious marker from the center of out galaxy. I couldn't find the link to an article explaining a peak of gamma photons in the 511 KeV. I read that this value have some relation with the annihilation of the antimatter, specifically when a positron finds and electron and both appears converted in pure energy.
We use this annihilation for image diagnostics in medicine. I remember a really good article (in Spanish) about the positronic techniques who detects the two gamma photons of this annihilation. But back to the origin of this post. The Pamela mission founds an explanation of this extrange peak of gamma rays.
There is a big probability that the origin of this positrons (that gives us this gamma rays) is the desintegration of a supersymmetric particle that also is a dark matter particle: the neutralino.
Maybe we are infront a prove of the existance of the dark matter, and also infront the prove that at least one of the supersymmetric particles exists. A Nobel prize is at stake...