
Quantum cryptoanalysis

By Schneier, I read a nice article about how hard will kick the quantum cryptoanalysis.

Specially is interesting for me the the post says, about RSA 4096-bit key, "
if you want something stronger, you should shift to elliptic curve".

Why this sentence? I think is the reason of our current work (an article is coming soon). If one cryptoanalyst is working against you, and you have this 4096 key, your only choose is to revoke this compromised key and generate a new one larger. But over elliptic curves, only giving a new curve (over the same finite field or another) this hypothetical quantum cryptoanalysis has to be dropped and restarted.

Further more, having a base curve over the one you can describe isogeny volcanoes (bigger enough volcanoes). We are working on a cryptosetup reset in order to move your key to a new place (a new ciclic group where your ECDLP will live) where your hunter will be annoyed because all their computations has to be forget and restarted...

The hutch is closing up again...

After a mounth of works in the linac's hutch, we are close to start up the machine (at least the first part of the synchrotron).

The emittance measurement is on the last 5% asymptotic. We are so close to finish the first version of this application, but software engineers knows that the 90th% of an application is the easiest part, and the last steps are the slowest ones. As far as you think you are finishing mure far you think you have the end.

But, by the way, next week this emittance and the energy spread of the linac has to be done. On April starts the pre-commissioning and everything has to be on time!