
Decentralized mirror multiple repositories

From a long a go I am try to find how to synchronize the contents of, at least two, code repositories. After some tries with software not design to do it, I was illuminated to one correct.

But after know the program who is able to do it, the other point is to know how to say to the program what you want to do. Now I know a little and I write an small howto for one of the usages I want.

One reason for this tool is when I have two repositories where I like to save the sources or when you like to develop for somewhere you only have read access.

In the second case, when you are developing something for a free software project who have a public repository, this repository is only read access for you. Then you should have your repository somewhere else. But a feature to synchronize with the updates on the main branch are need. It's like to have a branch in a different place and you like to have a merge possibility.

The other case is when we have an internal repository, a working copy, and at some point of the development you want to publish something in a public repository.

Many more things can be done with svk, I will check and if I can I will document it.


Dynamic multiple inheritance (II)

It works. We are using multiple inheritance and also we change dynamically on one macro, one of its inheritance to adapt to the concrete measurement.

More understandable code that A and B classes should be:

class _ltb:

····def __init__(self):
········print "__init__ 4 __ltb"
····def mesh(self):
········print "do a mesh scan"

class _energy(_ltb):
····def showResults(self):
········print "Energy results"

class _emittance(_ltb):
····def showResults(self):
········print "Emittance results"

class ltb_energy(_energy):
····def run(self):

class ltb_emittance(_emittance):
····def run(self):

class ltb_offline:
····def run(self,operation):
········if operation == "energy":
············self.__class__.__bases__ = (_energy,)
········elif operation == "emittance":
············self.__class__.__bases__ = (_emittance,)

In the implementation, there is also multi-inheritance because the ltb_{energy,emittance,offline} also inherit from Macro (a class of the MacroServer).

The sources of the Sardana project are in sourceforge. This macros are not already uploaded to the tango-ds svn. It needs a little bit more test, and probabli next week we will publish it.

Nota: in the implementation, the classes ltb_{energy,emittance,offline} has another primary inheritance from Macro. But the classes _energy and _emittance cannot inherite from Macro, because are not macros itself, but uses method of this superclass.

Dynamic multiple inheritance

I am having a little problem with the offline measurement on the linac. My task in the linac is to produce an application to measure the electron beam energy and emittance. A long a go, we start to document it on the Alba's site.

The idea of the offline measurement was on means of all, but not so clear because we did some offline with data from other synchrotrons. But now we like to repeat the measurements we already did with our linac. Always when a measurement had been launch we store the images. Then the offline is to reload the images and deceive the system like this is real.

Problems about we didn't take care before are, for example, the magnets doesn't move precisselly to the ordered position; there is a threshold on that. And when the fit will be repeated offline we have to use the old magnet values, not the dummy motors how we use to simulate that.

Then something specific has to be programed to do this. We had macros to do the online measurements and they are not usable to load data from an old session for the offline measurement. Ok, then we need a new macro:

But, the offline macro needs to be the same to simulate energy or emittance. Then the inheritance, apart to be multiple, has to be dynamically changed...

Why not an instance? Why not all the macros only inherit from 'Macro' and has an instance of __energy or __emittance? Because the three on top right uses methods from the 'Macro' class.

class A:
def method(self):
print "A"
def methodA(self):
print "AA"

class B:
def method(self):
print "B"
def methodB(self):
print "BB"

class C:
def setA(self):
self.__class__.__bases__ = (A,)
def setB(self):
self.__class__.__bases__ = (B,)
def setAB(self):
self.__class__.__bases__ = (A,B)
def setBA(self):
self.__class__.__bases__ = (B,A)

Ok, then what can be done is:
c = C()

c has 4 methods: {c.setA(),c.setB(),c.setAB(),c.setBA}

now has 2 methods more {c.setA(),c.setB(),c.setAB(),c.setBA,c.method(),c.methodA()}

with a call c.setB() the list of methods changes to {c.setA(),c.setB(),c.setAB(),c.setBA,c.method(),c.methodB()}

now the list of methods is
and notice the call c.method() uses the one from A.

with c.setBA()
the list is the same, but now the c.method() uses the one from B.

Actualization: Be careful if you use multiple objects using this. If we have multiple instances, the modification affects all of them:
c1 = C()
c2 = C()


OpenMoko is moving

Finally I see some movement on Openmoko to say that is trying. I don't have the device but I have it running in qemu as I wrote a long ago.

Some (sub)communities starts movements creating contents with more proximity to the potential clients. Many of us are convinced to support Openmoko because we support free software on our bones, but the world is full of people who doesn't care about that and other techniques are need.

For example this case of an spanish community who are writing a wiki from a non technical point of view, more in a propagandistic way to be proximus to the final user.

Thanks the communities and feel free!



After the land of the Phoenix in the Mars arctic, with the first results of the high salinity of the ground, I read some articles about the water is not the only one restriction to allow life.

In out planet we have places where the life exist under extreme conditions. This type of life we call it Extremophile. Working in a synchrotron I am curioused, specifically with the life that is able to be in extreme radiological conditions. I don't know how a bacteria can protect and repair what the radiation breaks, but what about the parasitoid wasp? Wikipedia says this complex life can support a hundred times more of radiation than the humans.

A few a go I read about the survivance in space conditions of the Tardigrade. It's impressive how this lifes can survive to the void with high radiation doses.


how (software) patents can bother your development

Yesterday, I receive an answer from Jivson (the author of the 'ECC in OpenPGP' internet draft) from a couple of mails discussing something about how to play with the standard to made easy some future improvements.

I'm working in an improvement of the eccGnuPG project to add the feature to reset the cryptosystem using isogeny stars like Er Rostovtsev, Anton Stolbunov propouse.

To create this isogeny stars can be usefull that they have a cofactor 2 (or at most 4, like the standards recomend) in order to have easier ways to compute a path in the stars. My surprice arribes when Jivson draws me the attention on the point that cofactor division is under a patent.

I trust on it, but I cannot find this yet. Maybe this idea with I'm working now, will be patented by someone else some day. And I can be obligated again to drop some work because an stupid patent. This is the third time that patents bother my work on elliptic curves.

This is incredible, simply unacceptable.


Milky Way center candidate

Continuing with the reading of Nature's last week (September, 4th), in a letter about candidate of our galaxy center I'm thinking about how hard can be to deduce who is the center of the galaxy.

Looking on another galaxy, with a good perspective on it, can be possible to approach to know around which structure the galaxy turns around. But when we are looking from in side this can be not so easy. As an example, the center of a galaxy is so briliant, but in a clear night from the Earth the center of the Milky way is not visible. We need to study it in the infrared spectrum, for example, because of the objects that are in the middle who block the visible light.

When we look to the center of the galaxy we are looking to the past because it's far from here, and the light expends 24k8 light years, to travel the 7k6 parsecs. Looking Andromeda we have a prespective that shows us objects from a similar time, but from inside our galaxy the light of diferent objects arribes here from different historyc moments.

By the way, our candidate as a center is Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole that can have 4 million solar masses, with in an space that can be 45 AU. (realize that all the planets in our solar system are closer to the sun than this distance).


recicling photographed conference slides

I'm reading in the Nature of last week (September, 4th) about the nervousness of some scientist with the colleges that goes to a conference and takes photos with digital cameras and uses the data for their own publications.

I cannot definitely understand this position. The first ones, the lecturers are presenting some data in public and they can have the title of the first of publish it. At the same time this can be used as a base of the next publication upgrade, or to find any mistake that exists.

In this second possibility, imagine that in this PAMELA presentation they announce the dark matter detection (implies existence) with a mistaken proves that no one in the conference can study because of their obscurity. I'm not saying they should did mistakes, I'm saying not other scientist can check it. Yes, they like to review with some other colleges chosen by themselves, but this doesn't mean publish.

If they don't trust a 100% to their study why they publish it? Because no one else publish it before but saving the dress if they made a mistake? Oh, please! This have more sense in politics, or some where than the only important think is naming. There is no price for the second who discover dark matter, I understand it. But what happens if another scientist team is closer to the verified results and publish it; will this ones says 'they copy it from us' with an ultra-hidden camera in the conference?

Actualization: Reading more about this column in Nature, I understand the problem is more because the copyright of many publications than specifically because the scientist doesn't like it. Many times the slides are published after the conference, but the problem can come when the journals decides which data can be publish out them. How is the owner of the investigations?


New expired patent

A few days before the ephemeris of the expiration of the RSA patent an obsolete new one arribes from Microsoft. Remember in September 20th 2000 expires a patent from the 1983 (about an algorithm invented in 1977) how license exclusivelly the rsa company to explode the use of:

c = m^e (mod n)

Patent it's suposed to mean a technological advance that the company developer needs to has an exclusive to explodes in term of refund the inversion. But if you (and me) think what can be a discover when the algorithm date from 6 years before, we will not understand about the new microsoft patent...

How can be, now a day, patented the ``Page Up'' and ``Page Down''? Read in many places about this question (spanish, english). For how long this keys are in the keyboards doing the task recently patented?


Back to linac's commissioning

After this month that doesn't exist from the working point of view (not purely my case) we are back to do the linac's commissioning. Some projects are working fine to be used in the real world: the 'Fluorescence Screen Gui' and the 'Energy & Emittance Measurement'. I like to show the last layer view of this work here.

First of all the fsotr:
This is an snapshot of a (non-electron) beam take during this August. This is a light reflection that seems like a beam and the ImgBeamAnalyzer doesn't know about differences.

The pneumatic valve position can be selected in the top right off the screen and the values of the camera exposition are next to this. And the image is show on the left with the profiles and, if its the case the fit of this profile. Then all the data from this picture processed.

An important change from the last version. This analyzer was working doing polling of the camera, and every fixed time it ask for a new one and process it. Now this device is subscribed to the camera, and is this camera (using Tango way) who advice the analyzer because a new image is able.

Next project is the E&E measurement:
With this what is want is to measure the beam energy and then the emittance of the beam. In fact this is an scan of a magnet. For example, to know the energy of a beam the bending magnet can be used to know how hard is the beam to be bended: more energetic means more current to the magnet to bend it.

This projects will be used tomorrow in the linac's commissioning restart. Almost all the requirement are done, only rest the last ones that was asked for. Final tuning.

Neutrinos, from to be detect to use to detect

The neutrino was theorized in 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli and detected form the first time in 1956. During this long time since now this particle have some veil of uncertainty because of its really small mass, it was not much affected by big masses. Also this particle doesn't interact much with the rest of the matter then is able to pass along out planet without contact. Also because of its small mass this particles travels at speeds close to the light.

Really big structures has need to detect this avoids particle. In order to find some of this not much interactions a huge detector is required Super-Kamiokande. A huge pool of water, in a dark place down to the Earth surface, with a large number of photo amplifiers who multiplies any small interaction.

This can change if a core planet study project go ahead. Right now we are using seismic waves to study the structure of this big mass where we live (relatively big, do not compare it with Jupiter, neither the sun, and in any case with Antares). The seismic waves interact with all the matter in the middle to the core (it means noise), but neutrinos has the other extreme characteristic they will interact a little with the core, but more that the rest of the panetary matter.

Do not forget that the elementary material of the ringworld absolves the 40% of the neutrinos...


Interstellar trips only for science-fiction

A few days a go I was reading about warp speed and how travel fast than the light can be understand that it is under contradiction with relativity.

Science-fiction uses objects that the physics theories says as possible according with other theories that are also unverified. But is nice when you read scifi books or swatch tv shows how interstellar trips can be possible or also intergalactic. But my pleasure in a well when I read the humans, perhaps, never travel far from the solar system. The tech advances can be at a light years distance...

But also we can handle the hope that we are talking from an age like the Ancient Greek says there is no possible to jump higher to the sky...


Discerning the supersymmetric dark matter?

A few weeks a go, I was reading about a curious marker from the center of out galaxy. I couldn't find the link to an article explaining a peak of gamma photons in the 511 KeV. I read that this value have some relation with the annihilation of the antimatter, specifically when a positron finds and electron and both appears converted in pure energy.

We use this annihilation for image diagnostics in medicine. I remember a really good article (in Spanish) about the positronic techniques who detects the two gamma photons of this annihilation. But back to the origin of this post. The Pamela mission founds an explanation of this extrange peak of gamma rays.

There is a big probability that the origin of this positrons (that gives us this gamma rays) is the desintegration of a supersymmetric particle that also is a dark matter particle: the neutralino.

Maybe we are infront a prove of the existance of the dark matter, and also infront the prove that at least one of the supersymmetric particles exists. A Nobel prize is at stake...


Nice view of the shuttle

I found via rss a really good video of the shuttle from a camera in a commercial fly:

Take a look in another place

For a long time I read many things (It doesn't mean I understand it) about the supersymmetry as an explanation of many of the biggest questions in physics. The supersymmetric particles can explain the problem of the matter quantity in the universe. This problem is simple, the universe has to have more matter than we saw to be like we saw.

Today I read a post about a different way to find this undiscovered matter. Many time I read about astrophysical ways to try to see something in the sky. But this time is different, we like to try to create this matter as a collision result in the way to know if this can exist in this universe.

Deeper read about this type of matter, I think, can be the Wikipedia's article about neutralinos. Also there is in spanish a really good writter, who wrote about the amazin world of the particles.


Nice view of a synchrotron

Yesterday, I celebrate the airplane license flying an helicopter... From the helicopter notification point Sierra of Sabadell to the Whisky entrance point, there is our synchrotron in the way.

We have 100MeV!!

After delays, complication, problems, and whatever you can imagine... Yesterday, around 10 in the evening the beam at the end of the linac reach the energy of the electron gun was designed for.

It was a really special day for all of us that are involved on this process. It's a really exciting moment! But it's not the end, now we have to transport this beam in the transferline in order to put it into the booster ring.


Just for an hour

Yesterday my mobile dies. Dies suddenly and fast. The mobile agonizes during hours until I decide to go to a mobile-shop to acquire the substitute... Just like an hour after this action, a friend announced me the Neo FreeRunner release.



Binary pulsar system

Our telescopes saw many dual star systems, here two star are orbiting between then their mass center. This two starts also rotates faster when the distance between is smaller, and this is one way to try to detect the gravitational waves specially if this pair is massive.

Also the sky have objects called pulsars, neutrons start that rotates fast and emits x-ray from the magnetic poles and can be thought to be like the lighthouses used to guide the pilots in the sea (close to the coast).

The Esa has a satellite to observe the x-ray sources called XMM-Newton. Last October this satellite saw something really interesting: a binary pulsar system. Interesting specially because the close impact effects of the emissions of each pulsar to the magnetosfere of the other. Have a nice read.


Repository mirroring

This post title contain the necessary words to find a solution to the problem that I post at the beginning of this month. After some try touching what was not think to be touch (the files in the .svn directory of a checkout) I decide to send an email to the users list.

Why I didn't send it before? Easily I receive a feedback indicating me that I am trespassing the limits of the things that the users should be allow to do. Then I explain not only the intentions, and more the reasons why I want this feature. And a fast answer appears!

Yes, a tool to help what I want exist, and its name is svk! I'll use it and reflect the impression. Really thanks to Ryan Schmidt.

Just on time

I read the recently published Firefox 3 also receive a vulnerability announce just 5 hours after the launch.

I don't understand the reasons of the Zero Day Initiative to publish it so early to the launch, and then say they only inform the Mozilla foundation for security. I my opinion, the ZDI organization probably know the bug before the launch (then the beta versions are also vulnerable) and the test if the Firefox developers fix it before the launch.

They like to be publicised because they take care on security, but I think they did in the other way. If they know the problem under the beta version and don't say anything they had the tools to avoid this announce. Only 5 hours separate this people from deserving a good job recognition, or to say 'please, you already had the opportunity to said before'.

Actualization: Interesting discussion found. It seem like the 2 version of Firefox is also vulnerable. This does mean they know before, but increase the doubt.

Have you ever seen a virus?

I have in the aggregator a reference to the 'physics tao' that many time has interesting posts. Today we have available one about X-rays and virus. The resolution to see this really incredible little things is incredible. It seems to need really brilliant and coherent light, but a read of the referred article is mandatory.

Starting for the abstract, the words X-ray diffraction, increase my interest. Lest to read the complete article! Yes, it talks about Synchrotrons, about brilliant sources, cites the X-FEL, and the experiment was carried in Spring-8 (the highest electron energy synchrotron and the most brilliant x-ray source).

Did you ever meet a virus? It a really small organism and because of it length the light necessary to distinguish its parts has to be really energetic to see the structure a small distance detail.

In the article also has mention the effect of the radiation dose to the sample. Yes, the live structures doesn't like the radiation, but you need this light to see it. It seems a contradiction, but the way to do it is to reduce the exposition time that the sample has. A fast shutter is important, and now I understand better why I need to work for a ~1ms fast shutter for the NCD beamline. Reduce the exposition time of the sample to the x-rays to the exact time that the SAXS detector is available.

Uau! Here they talk about the improvement that can be the xfel use and a ultrafast pulses of <= 25 femtoseconds. This can allow more energetic dose during less time, but probably this relation is not linear. I say, more energy means much less time.


How can be a sun aurora?

Reading this post about the end of the Ulyses program and also watching the fantastic good bye video I have a question for the air. I saw boreal auroras and its really fantastic, and difficult to photograph (also because it moves).

Our Sun has also a magnetic field called the heliosphere who protects the elements in the Solar Sistem from the interstellar medium. Also, as the video shows some particles can decay down to the Sun poles, as the solar wind does with us, and it may produce a similar show.



In Alba, we are developing PyQt4 widgets for Tango, as you can read in many posts. Now is the torn of a generic widget for devices to show all the attributes:

This is a little early, and it's on the development beginning. It didn't have the features that the
AtkPanel has. But time to time, it will. Right now it has support to read and write Tango attributes and to know the device status.

Future plans include, for sure, support for Tango commands, device and attribute properties, change the device during running time, and what else we think can be necessary...

I feel happy...


ImgBeamAnalyzer GUI

Like what was done for the ImgGrabber, is now for the ImgBeamAnalyzer:

Basically is very similar but, because this device has much more scalar attributes and scroll has been add.

Now the next step has to be the TauPanel, generic for all devices.


Linac to Booster transferline

This is an schematics draw of the transferline with we are working:

From the right hand comes the linac's electron beam. First of all two little (green) corrector magnets, followed by three (blue) quadrupoles. Then diagnostics devices, the Monitor and the Fluorescent Screen Beam Position/ Optical Transition Radiation with the ccd camera with I am working for the emittance measurement.

Then the (red) bending magnet who bends a little the beam to continue in the transferline, or bend it more to guide the beam to the diagnostics section. Under an straight line from the linac, after the bending magnet some synchrotron radiation appears and another ccd will take photos from this
Synchrotron radiation monitor.

Following what we want to use now, in the diagnostics line that goes horizontally from the bending magnet, another (blue) quadrupole can be saw and the beam will kick another
FS/OTR where we will calculate the energy of the electron beam and its energy spread. And if the screen is open, the beam will die in a Faraday cup at the end of the diagnostics line and the signal of this cup will be saw in an osciloscope.


ImgGrabber GUI

Finally, after a hard fight, the Image Grabber has a little gui to be used:

The solution is not mine. This is a great point of the free software, someone in the
esrf has hardly work on a PyQt4 widget. Both synchrotrons have really good relations and esrf is like the father. Our controls system is tango, and it is free software.

Also say, to manipulate the image it is not using directly the PyQt Image object. I will explain how.


svn multiple repositories checkout

The title of this post is what I am asking to Google without success...

My idea is to have something like a branch and merge but with two svns. I like to have a secondary repository. This means, for me, to have a checkout from the main one and work normally with the secondary.

Why not the same repository? Because I don't have write permissions on the main one to make this branch but I like to synchronize to that one doing something like a merge.

The solution could be some scripting to rename directories to simplify and automatize this task... Ideas?

Quantum thermodynamics

I read a post really interesting, the writer sometimes write good thing and I have this blog on the aggregator. Many times, on quantum mechanics (that I have less than a poor idea) you read something that breaks you schemas of who the world works.

In the reference that the blogger says also a reference to a Nature's article is said. But without an specific link. Still worst, they say recently reported but I need to go to the Nature's number 452 published the April 10th of 2008. But if you read when the article was received on the publication (October 18th 2007) and when it was approved (February 26th 2008), the recenly addquires much more sense.


Illegal massive mobile tracking

From the news I discober an study of the human travel patterns, the Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR) at Northeastern University has wanted to do an study about the mobility patterns that we have during our lives.

This is far from another study with volunteers that shows to the scientist their lives and they promise the privacy and the data anonymization. They, arbitrary, select 100.000 cell phones without the knowledge of the users under the excuse that the people will not be natural if they know the traking.

But WTF! Can be possible that someone without my permission (of a judge order) spy me? They could have data of where the people is and positioning the people you can deduce where this person lives and where he/she work. Also who the person is visiting, and where he/she goes on free time. It is a very hard intrusion!

First of all: ask for permision! The excuse of an statistic study or a scientific work is not enough! Who allows the phone companies to share this information?


The project starts

The meditation time is over. The alpha sources of the branch 0.9 of the elliptic curve project has been upload to my svn repository. I say 'my' because this development files are not public until it has something useful to be publish. Many things are changing in the sources from the last 0.3 branch (that never saw the light).

I have a friend who sometimes says when we write code, we make bugs, as less code we write less bugs we make... I am completely agree with he, and this is one of the ideas that comes in the 0.3 branch: try to have the same code in the patch for the GnuPG 1.4 branch than the code that the libgcrypt 1.4 has.

Between them there are some differences, but the biggest ones has to be solve by the precompiler. Others can be solved by declarations. But the most important improvement that this merge has is the split of the code in different files. The first version was think to have everything together, in one file; now the cryptographyc code will live in the cipher directory, and the mathematic code in the mpi directory (at the end the operations between point are solved by low level operations over finite fields).

After the brainstorming did here, the best option, and the most pracmatic is to implement the Internet Draft for the ECC in OpenPGP.


Phoenix land in Mars

I don't know if it is exactly but around the 23:38 zulu of the 25h of May of 2008 the spacecraft Phoenix lands on the Mars arctic pole.

The information is better to become from the experts than from my read and transcript. Then I suggest to read the sources: the Arizona university, and Nasa.


Iñaki Ochoa is gone

Today is a day in mourning for the mountaineer people, Iñaki Ochoa de Olza dies after 5 days suffering a HACE at 7400m altitude complicated by a HAPE. The bad news are well explained here.

To suffer one of this illness is one of the worst things that you can have in the mountain. You need to descend as fast as you can, but when you have a really bat whether is when the mountain is saying you 'rest with me'.

We wants to stay in the mountain, he express this intention before. But by the way it is a really impossible mission to try to rescue the body.

The great this of the mountain is the fellowship that you receive from the other people. In the Annapurna the people that tries the rescue this day are still there. Now the priority is the descending of all the people that forgets their project and risk their lives to save Iñaki.

Thanks to this helpers.

Supernova birth

I'm only one more of the ones who write something about the casual photo taked from a supernova in the explosion moment.

Artistic view (for sure, our telescopes cannot see like that)

As we can read in many places (many) some astronomers, that was studying a past supernova, found in the acquisition an abnormal x-ray emissions and they doesn't become from their object under study. this becomes just from the neighborhood.

Is really difficult to record an explosion, ask this to the war reporters. You never know where it will explode. As I read in a book, record and explosion so far doesn't give you the image, so close you will not have health to explain it. If you think 16.5 light years is far, I prefere to not be closer.


From Sierra Lima Lima, to Golf Romeo Oscar (and go back)

The first trip alone. Take off from Sabadell with the icao name LELL (Lima Echo Lima Lima, in the NATO alphabet) and the iata name SLL (Sierra Lima Lima) alone in the airplane.

After the take off permission from Sabadell tower in the 13 way, I fly bearing 70 until notify 5 NM out the ATC (Nautical Miles), traffic information on 125.25, then change the bearing between 50 and 60 direction to the mountains. 20 minutes fly to arribe to the SW (Sierra Whisky) access point of Girona, iata name GRO (Golf Romeo Oscar) icao LEGE (Lima Echo Golf Echo).

Tuning the radio to 120.90 and call the tower 'Girona, buenos días de la EC-ERV' (Echo Charlie Echo Romeo Victor). 'EC-ERV le veo sobre SW proceda a viento en cola derecha pista 20, notifique establecido'. Easy, they saw me before do nothing... they are on my, and all the other medium birds from Ryanair, Spanair, and others (airplanes like a A320, much bigger than my C152).

'EC-ERV estableciendo viento en cola derecha 20', 'Roger ERV'. And before arrive the end of tail wind the allows me to land 'ERV autorizado a aterrizar, pista 20, viento 230 8KT' and the answer 'autorizado a aterrizar 20 ERV'. Base, final, and landing... 'ERV abandone por la primera salida y siga al amarillo'. It's funny to follow this yellow car to the parking platform.

In the Aena's office, a new fly briefing, back to the airplane and go back! 'Girona buenas tardes de la EC-ERV', 'EC-ERV adelante', 'EC-ERV en plataforma de aviación general para vuelo visual a Sabadell, solicito instrucciones de rodadura', 'Detrás del Ryanair en rodadura, ruede al punto de espera de la pista 20, detrás', this expresion of say two times 'detrás' is to be sure that you understand, the answer is mandatory 'Detrás del Ryanair en rodadura, rodar al punto de espera 20, detrás'.

In the wait point I did the engine test and announce the tower, I'm ready to take off with 'EC-ERV punto de espara 20 listo', the tower answer was 'Roger EC-ERV'.After two A320 take offs and one citation landin, arrives my torn: 'EC-ERV entre y mantenga', 'entrar y mantener EC-ERV'.

'ERV autorizado a despegar 20, viento 260 12KT', ready to take off! 'Autorizado a despegar 20 ERV'. Taking off in a 3Km way with a cessna that only needs 400 or 500 meters is funny, I was 500ft over the field before the end of the way. 'ERV notifique abandonando por SW'. The ground reference of the SW point is a castle but there is another littler one before when you go out. it means went I say 'ERV alcanzando punto SW' the tower says... 'Segun mi pantalla usted está aun a 5 millas de SW, pero si lo desea puede pasar a la escucha de traficos en 25 25'. Ups! this was my mistake... by the way, tuning the radio to 125.25 and direct to Sabadell...

A factory in polinyà was on fire, and when I arrive to the Echo access point of LELL ('ERV accediendo por punto echo a 2500 pies'). 'ERV debido a incendio dirijase directo a base izquierda de la 13, notifique establecido '. The rest of the fly was like the common ones in sabadell.

Now I have an stamp and a line on my fly book saying that I went to Girona as a pilot in command!

Append: A video in Microsiervos about the 'follow me' car in the Barcelona airport (iata BCN, icao LEBL ).


Bad news from Great Britain

I read this article that is funny at the beginning because the author wrote the typical comparison of a synchrotron building to a donut. Also the first paragraph is good because some of the main reasons for the synchrotron existence are described (but there are others more). This tools are not made only to do the physicist busy and playing their toys, this building has something to produce in the society.

After years of people doing a bet on this infrastructure, many people can be forced to restart their specialization. Yes, because they have two options: work in another thing or move out the country. This type of job is really specialized. An accelerators physicist, or a protein crystallographic scientist can not be moved fast and easily to another type of job.

I understand, bad times would come, but the bad point is when science is becoming an exchange money. Badly is when everything can be explained by the bad times, good and bad maneuvers. Only insist in take care, read much and compare and contrast the information you have. Put it in doubt and create your opinion.


Nerd t-shirt

For a long time, a little sheet of paper is traveling with me. The reason is because in the LHC visit I bought a nerd t-shirt.

As a manual, the t-shirt came with this paper explaining the image that you will like to dress. I have no idea, for me it like when you buy something with Chinese or Japanese symbols.

But they explain, the first line describes the forces that we already knows as some views of something unified: the electricity, magnetism and strong and weak nuclear forces.

The second line is about how the forces act with the fundamental matter particles (quarks and leptons).

The third describes how the mass is become real, from the higgs boson, and the fourth ables this unknown particle to do it job.

By the way, physics are not democratic. The existence or not of the higgs dowsn't depend of who many people likes this theory...


Čerenkov radiation (II)

Just a brief note about the Čerenkov radiation, that it was already mentioned here. I found photos of this blue water in a German neutron research facility.


La suelta

This morning around 9 zulu in the morning (zulu means Coordinated Universal Time, locally was 11), I flew the instructors leader. I did it more or less like other days but a little bit nervous because this instructors was flew with me to evaluate if I am already able to fly alone.

After 4 touch and go, the tower calls as to say this will be last one because other traffics wait to do the same maneuver. This instructor ask the tower if can be possible to land brings himself down because the pilot student is able to practice one circuit alone. The tower was agree...

After land, back to Romeo 2, Carles (the instructor) says me 'bye, bye', then I say to the tower 'Echo Romeo Victor, listo para rodadura'. Tower: 'Roger, Echo Romeo Victor, ruede a punto de espera 13'.

Two other traffics was on the wait point, and when I was ready I said to the tower and wait for permision. When my torn arrives: '
Echo Romeo Victor, después del tráfico en salida entre y mantenga detras', then 'después del tráfico en salida, entrar y mantener detras, Echo Romeo Victor'. And just before stop in the line radio says 'Echo Romeo Victor, viento calma, con precedente que mantendrá en circuito, autorizado a despegar 13'; where is the moment 'con precedente a la vista, autorizado a despegar 13, Echo Romeo Victor': full engine and at 60kt rotation speed and go to the air flying alone...

First, cross wind then tail wind, apply the pre-landing procedure and notify the tower that I'm turning left to base 'con precedente a la vista'. 75kt watching the landing way on my left. Turn left to final approach, control the landing way and my air speed. A second flap point is required but the landing
maneuver was fine. Free way to the tower and came back to Romeo 2. Carles was there waiting for me to ask my impresions: simply incredible! Really nice! He gives me the suelta!


Higgs field

In this moment when I am compiling my compiler, I am reading something about the Higgs field in 'Investigación y Ciencia' (the two months delayed Spanish version of Scientific American). With the sentence "In quantum theory, quantities such as mass are not set once and for all but are modified by quantum effects.", from the article "The incoming revolutions in particle physics", an interesting point came back to my mind.

There are many places where you can read, for example this article, from where the mass can come or if the mass is from the particle itself or it is a result with the Higgs field. But what came back was the question why the values of the mass are this ones and not another ones. Are they arbitrary selected or it has a reason.

As far as I can understand from this article, the Higgs boson mass/energy has to have a big relation with this values. Correct me if I am wrong but this should be one of the reasons why we need to turn on the LHC. The point where I am becoming really disoriented is when they talk about the Technicolor, and how to understand the Higgs is not fundamental itself but is made by a conjunction of pieces that we, probably, already know.

Really huge phenomenons are waiting to be discovered when this machine starts to produce de amazing torrents of data. Believe that Grid will be able to chew this information.

Present and past, simultaneous

Did you ever thought to see an evolution in time needs to wait this time? People from the university of Heidelberg (in Germany) saw a pulsar under five different time perspectives at the same time. How to understand this? The explanation is the gravitational lensing.

In 10th April 2008 Nature you can find a short article about this and also in the HubbleSite you can find a good images about this. The source article is from The Astrophysical Journal, but only the abstract is accessible.

As far as I understand, the point is the galaxy in the middle. It curves the light from the quasar that cannot come directly to as (because something is in the middle) an it came from five different paths. The light travels different distances to arrives here, and it means each ways has differences on time scale. They arrive here at the same time, but then they need to start the trip on different moments.


PyQt Qimage problem...

I'm try to show the beam on a PyQt GUI for the linac's energy and emittance measurements. I was talking about the linac's installation, and the tool to do some parts of the machine's commissioning, specifically this energy and emittance.

But this image on the top left is not that easy. Some times it presents the good feel, but under unknown conditions (and it happens many times, more that acceptable) the image is shifted horizontally. This is like if the width of the image was not well measured. But from the same sources, and the same dimensions, why some times happen and some times the image is perfectly drawn?

As a sample, giving an image like the beam on the left, the same data draw using a Qimage, presents the view on the right.

Maybe with a bigger beam could be easy to realize how the image is shown and its trapezoidal view.

Code: At this point I want to write where a little bit of the code written for this proposal and some logs from the execution.

Basically, when the image is received by an event:

eventReceived(self, EventSource, EventType, EventValue):
self._imagedim = [EventValue.dim_x, EventValue.dim_y]

And this ImageResize() method do:
def ImageResize(self):

self._image = QtGui.QImage(self._imagedata,self._imagedim[0],self._imagedim[1],QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8)
width,height = [self.width(),self.height()]
self._image = self._image.scaled(width,height,Qt.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt.Qt.FastTransformation)
With or without the scaled method this trapezoid imaging happens...

Actualization: One clue or cheat in this question, the image published from the device is an unsigned short! And on this transformations I was assuming to convert it to unsigned char. Changing the array transformation from a 'B' to an 'H' is not enough because the 12bit format is not supported in Qt.

Solved! Finally, with Tiago's help the solution arrives:

The problem was the image, that is not 32-bit aligned (1034*779). The correct constructor to draw this image is:
Where the second time that 'self._imagedim[0]' is referenced means 'bytesPerLine'.

Actualization: Something solved.


the Swiss Light Source

This week I was on the SLS to be impregnated with their knowledge. I will do a report for my Alba's comrade, and a seminar is possible. Preliminary, the SLS building is constructed with wood (not the tunnel that is made of concrete).
We saw four beamlines (PX I, Super XAS, cSXAS, and LUCIA). But it was a work trip and much of the photographs taken are about hutch lockers, motors, monochromators, Pilatus detectors,... All of this things has to be explained one by one.

On the left, there are the Pilatus detector protected by a metallic sheet. When the beam is on, the X-Ray comes from the right side and the sample place is in the centre of this image (sometimes cooled).

But when the beam is on, you cannot come in to change the sample and that why something like this robotic arm in need.

Cern LHC Open Seasson (II)

After a comment received on the last post about the Cern visit, I realize much more about how luck I was. I know it's not the same, but I like to put here some other photos from the visit.

This ones are from the atlas detector. First of all we access to the controls room (where I take freak photos about the GUIs and how the information is shown). After a nice presentation, where the slides was passing automatically probably to avoid delays, we move to the first flour to watch a 3D video.

But the important thing is in the underground. They only allows us to see the detector from this point. (only two groups at the same time in the cave).

On the CMS detector, was different. They likes more to shows us the machine. After a little video we was directed to an elevator. Bad name because this goes 100m underground.

They shows you the machine in a guided tour, where main groups of around 15 can be. This gives much more agility to the visit.

From the CMS building, a visit to the accelerator cave was possible. But for safety reasons only one group of 5 persons was allow to be under ground. And was impossible for us to be there.

I repeat that I am sorry for the people that, after horrible waits, was not able to visit the Cern's news detectors. We was so lucky visiting two of the four new LHC detectors. One open day is not enough...


Cern LHC Open Seasson

In an hour I'll fly to visit the SLS in Zurich, but before I want to write something of this weekend visit to the Cern Open day. Mainly, if you think this machine is huge, probably you didn't have enough imagination to realize how huge it is. It is impressive, giant.

First of all, we visit the Atlas experiment. but the camera (worst mine, its all an poor) is not able to put everything in a picture. After lunch we went to the CMS, at the other side of the ring. Neither good photos but something to put here.

This detector is really compact and they already have it open, and is perfect for the visitors. You feels really small in front of this machine.

Waiting to collect more photos...


Our private tango guinness record

Wahoo! By now, and without a definitive confirmation we have a 'tango device server devices record'. I think this sentence is not much clear. Tango is a distributed systems who controls some synchrotrons, and like in unix (where everything is a file) in tango everything is a device. One device is one agent in this distributed systems, and this agents are running on a machine where the main process of this is the device server.

Normally, a tango developer has some devices controlled by a devices server, and our logics guides us to, when you have many devices split this between more instances of this device server. So, if you have ccd camera devices, like 50; and you likes to control them, normally you creates at least a device server for each sector, and this device server controls all the cameras in an specific sector. Easy (I think).

But what happens when you have a pool of devices to control a section of this machine (in this practical case the linac to booster transferline [LTB]) and you don't wanna a split this? Then we arrive to this situation where the pool device server has to manage 240 devices only in the first segment of the ltb.

I need to confirm if in the vacuum control system we don't have something in this level. Waiting for this confirmation, we are able to say (at low voice) that we have a record!

Actualization: This record has been overcome! We realize that the pool was consuming too much cpu when this large number of devices are not doing anything. Known this, a deadlock was solved and a stress test creates 1000 devices with non cpu consumption when they are free.


Quantum cryptoanalysis

By Schneier, I read a nice article about how hard will kick the quantum cryptoanalysis.

Specially is interesting for me the the post says, about RSA 4096-bit key, "
if you want something stronger, you should shift to elliptic curve".

Why this sentence? I think is the reason of our current work (an article is coming soon). If one cryptoanalyst is working against you, and you have this 4096 key, your only choose is to revoke this compromised key and generate a new one larger. But over elliptic curves, only giving a new curve (over the same finite field or another) this hypothetical quantum cryptoanalysis has to be dropped and restarted.

Further more, having a base curve over the one you can describe isogeny volcanoes (bigger enough volcanoes). We are working on a cryptosetup reset in order to move your key to a new place (a new ciclic group where your ECDLP will live) where your hunter will be annoyed because all their computations has to be forget and restarted...

The hutch is closing up again...

After a mounth of works in the linac's hutch, we are close to start up the machine (at least the first part of the synchrotron).

The emittance measurement is on the last 5% asymptotic. We are so close to finish the first version of this application, but software engineers knows that the 90th% of an application is the easiest part, and the last steps are the slowest ones. As far as you think you are finishing mure far you think you have the end.

But, by the way, next week this emittance and the energy spread of the linac has to be done. On April starts the pre-commissioning and everything has to be on time!