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At the same time that I have attributions in the machine diagnostics at the accelerators division (this to work on the electron beam diagnostics in the alba synchrotron) I have some attributions in one beam line (this is the x-ray photon beam). Here everything has a beam...
Everything on a synchrotron accelerator was designed to the objective to produce the synchrotron light, but the element who is the last responsible to generate this light is the Undolator. Everything moves arround this element.
I do not like to transcribe what there are in the Wikipedia, it is enough with the link. But I want to profit to highlight something, because is here where is defined the brilliance of the beamline who will use this synchrotron x-rays. This is the element who decide witch is the most brilliant synchrotron.
Far from an older annotation here, that someone could have the (false) impression that the world synchrotrons have a competition to play again who have the most brilliant source or who have the most energetic electron beam; this is too far to the reality. The energies of the synchrotrons depends much more about the destination of this light that the number that it have.
Yes, everyone likes to have the biggest one, but at the same time you need to realize the they have less brilliant source for other applications. An the number of GeV of one synchrotron have a translation to money, and a more powerful undolator cost more money, then the brilliance have a cost on the facility finances...
Actualization: I want to say one thing more. I will tell something about the main instruments in a beamline, one by one. I found this image from the diamond synchrotron.
After the underworld development we need to show the results to the world (users). There are two parts in the Tango device server development, the device server itself and a gui to show the results. Generically the developer has some tools to test the device like jive and atkpanel, but the enduser (scientific or operator) needs to have exactly the s/he need and nothing more.
As a first step, the users of this oscilloscope device server will have something to see (remotely) waht is measuring the oscilloscope.
One more synchrotron in the Tango comunity!
This week we had the Tango Meeting in desy (Hamburg), mainly because one of the synchrotrons that they have is under a refactoring process and it will be controlled by Tango: Petra III. Their main characteristic that they say is that they will have the most brilliant x-ray source, as they say 100keV... (if I am not wrong, where in alba, we will have 65keV in the highest energy beamline).
The importance of this brilliance, depends only to the experiments. There are experiments that needs to be performed on a low energy beamline. Ones who at most they use a few thousands of eV. the value that claims more my attenction reading the petra web is that they have a 2'3km (storage) ring. Remember esrf have 844 perimeter meters. But I could not read anything about the electron energy that petra's will work.
Actualization: I am trying to find the storage ring energy that this Petra III will have, but the information that I have now is that Spring-8 have more brilliant high x-ray.
Actualization: Finally I found this value, and others, the Petra III synchrotron will work at 6 GeV.
The oscilloscope that I have to test the tango device server is a Tektronix DPO7245. This is a really powerful instrument who is able to calculate everything that I need in this development loop level. The only problem that I have is the documentation about TekVisa running under Gnu/Linux.
From the device server side, it have available the National Instruments library; and inside the instrument they put their Tektronix implementation. Ok, so far so good? No, the important point is visa is a way to do an abstraction of the GPIB commands and with it you can forget in the code if you are writing for a networked connection or under a gpib connector, then you need to know the GPIB commands. But where are the command tree for this oscilloscope series? Mmm... No where because the manufacturer does not provide this list in the TekVisa Programmer Manual! In this manual you only can find some minimal samples, and still worse some of this samples does not work with the linux implementation library!
After many unfruitful search time on Google my was close to the desperations... No one, and no where, is this command tree? Yes! Some one has made something for the 4000 series!
Now I have some reference to work. Some commands could change (because this standard is not much standard and the manufacturers implements some differences, even between the same manufacturer models!). With this, only one day is being enough to implement almost everything in this device server!
This afternoon I will start the small aircraft private pilot! After to many years doing alternative activities because I cannot be a professional helicopter pilot, finally I will do it as a hobby.
Why I am a computer scientist? Because I could not be a rescue pilot, that's easy! When I was 18 years old, the moment to do your live elections, and it has not be possible to be this specific type of pilot, I decide to change the options radically to computing. Some people say me to study to be a commercial pilot, but I don't want to drive a bus! There is a really huge difference between drive an ambulance than an a bus, isn't it?
This afternoon, I will start the last option: to fly as a hobby, privately, during my free time... This is a dream: fly by my self!
After a couple of days out of service, and without write here, I am back to continue. Time that I have no write, but time that I read much things. Too much thing, that I create a directory in my bookmarks to remember every thing that I want to comment here.
To day is the day that I want to shape here my impression about the Čerenkov radiation. Because I am working in a place where the radiation is important, and this knowledge is interesting for the workers to be safety, I want information.
First of all I need to say, when I read the Wikipedia article about the Čerenkov radiation, I thought if the idea to paint the electrons in blue could have any relation. I don't know if this is common, but in my imagintation the electrons are always little blue spheric balls. Furthermore to the strings theory here my sphere idea is wrong in pro of a string loop vibrating on an eleven dimension world, the colouring idea is also wrong in practice because the blue colour is a photon wavelength of 475nm (like 49'6eV), and the electron is another kind of particle where the colour like we can see have no sense.
But did you ever read something about the quark colours? Really interesting to know something about why they use colours in a too small world where the colours as we say have no sense! (Danger of side splitting through laughter about the anticolours).
At last, why my mean confuse an idea of visible colours characteristic from the electromagnetic boson with in a lepton common particle?