
Iñaki Ochoa is gone

Today is a day in mourning for the mountaineer people, Iñaki Ochoa de Olza dies after 5 days suffering a HACE at 7400m altitude complicated by a HAPE. The bad news are well explained here.

To suffer one of this illness is one of the worst things that you can have in the mountain. You need to descend as fast as you can, but when you have a really bat whether is when the mountain is saying you 'rest with me'.

We wants to stay in the mountain, he express this intention before. But by the way it is a really impossible mission to try to rescue the body.

The great this of the mountain is the fellowship that you receive from the other people. In the Annapurna the people that tries the rescue this day are still there. Now the priority is the descending of all the people that forgets their project and risk their lives to save Iñaki.

Thanks to this helpers.

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