
air traffic controllers

After some days with much information about the air traffic controllers in Spain, I start to google a little bit more about this thing.

The first thing I miss in the tv and newspapers is the "explanation" of this workers. Many times I can see in the tv images of passengers in the airports with problems to fly, or angry people screaming about this, and the government explanations of what they did. But where is the voice of the militarized workers because of a declared "state of Alarm" of the country? On the internet is the place, I don't know why this is not also said in the news.

There is another page with information from this group. The mass media are saying very different things about them. The explanations on the press says that this air traffic controllers lives in a paradise and they have unconfesable privileges. I have listened in many tv news that their salary is 4 times bigger to the Spanish government president, in average 350k€/year. But seems that they are answering that this is very far from real because it's between 50k€ and 120k€. But I didn't listened that in the news.

Neither I have listened about the number of hours they work per year. And important, what means the work our or what counts as a work ours. In my job, I do in my journey what I have to do, if the company want's me after this time, is on my decision. They explain this is not like that.

Also I like to point about the information that they are blocking the contract of new workers. I don't understand this point. I never saw in a company that the workers representation have voice in the interviews (much less to have vote in the contract process). This link also explains something about that.

If you are ill? As the media says, a big number of them was ill at the same time last Friday. But the air traffic controllers explains that if they are ill they have to work this our in another moment. Do you have this condition in your job? If you have a flu or you broke your leg, do you have to compensate next months for the time that you are offline?

Finally I don't understand why the journalist are not telling this. At least to contrast the information. And also this problem with the air traffic controllers is not new from this year. Even if the AENA's benefits or losses are not from this year, why this government likes to fix it just now? Aren't there any other urgent things in this country to fix? Or is because the privatization of this AENA company. Do we only make a public company work before sell it? I think is better to do always and then the benefits can be from the beginning...

Other information about this, can be followed using the alternative press medias, like:

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