
After the first two days of the storage commissining

As Ollupac ask for, some (unofficial) information will be written about who was the thing this weekend.

As usual, there is absolutely nothing in the Alba's website. I miss a lot public information about the progress, in the same order that I miss the web site in Catalan and Spanish.

Even that, this weekend we have not been able to do the first turn of the storage ring. What has been done, in deed, in the commissioning of the bt-extraction and the sr-injection: the transfeline from the booster to the storage.

We may be too optimistic in who difficult can be this process of extraction and injection can be. Realize that the beam has been accelerated in one circumference (we say that it has an orbit) and it is displaced to bigger one with a very precise operation in a small tube.

We didn't get the first turn in the storage ring (we only pass up to two bending, about one sector). But this was the first time we put this up an running. As soon as we receive another temporal permission or the definitive one, we will try again.

1 comment:

ollupaC De La Pradera said...

Així m'agrada, atenent a les peticions dels lectors!

Vaja, però be, la qüestió és una miqueta anar avançant. I sí que estaria be una pèl més d'informació a la web, però vols dir que a algú se li ha acudit? Hi ha un fotimer de blogs de ciència, segur que hi hauria gent-a banda de mi- interessada a saber els progressos que es fan al sincrotró.

Be, ja està. No sabia que fos un "permís temporal," ni entenc què significa atorgar un "permís temporal": O està tot en regla o no ho està. Però vaja, són ben bojos aquests romans.