
Storage ring first turn

This morning, just when I check the email I saw one from Dieter (accelerator's boss) announcing that yesterday evening we reach the goal of the first turn of the storage ring (and some more without radio frequency)

Why this goal is important? Afaik, this means that the path is free from the linac to the storage, and everywhere where the electron's beam has to live is well aligned, the magnets works and the orbit can be reached, and so on. In less words: the subsystems works together correctly. Until this week, we test everything as close as possible to the final way. But until the moment when you put everything together and you switch on it, you have a fussy area of afraidness.

Also I like to thanks Dieter, because is usual on him to do a thanks list when a goal is reach and a little email with some pictures and explanation (there are others not that polite and retailer). And in this complex machine, the goals can only be reach with a collective work.

Update: Today we hit the goal of 100 turns

1 comment:

ollupaC De La Pradera said...

Ueep, això comença a pintar be! Ja m'avisareu per la festa de "tenim un sincrotró que funciona"! Hehe, i només un any després de ser "inaugurat", no està gens malament!