
PyTango in Ubuntu natty

I have installed the lastest relase of kubuntu in a new computer and there is a better newer way to have tango installed in your system than the guide for tango that I have posted

Tango has been released for 10.04 LTS distribution of ubuntu by one of the developers: Alessio Igor Bogani, worker in Trieste's synchrotron: Elettra. After that the idea have had succeed and we have a official repository for core of tango.

Then: I had s pending to publish a how to for this repository and mark the old one saying that here is this update. Well go ahead.

step 0: Remove older tango-cs packages
If you have installed this abogani's repository, is better if you remove its packages and then remove the file in the '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/abogani-tango-.list'.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tango-controls/core
This also adds for you the key of this repository in your keyring and the file 'tango-controls-core-.list' file.

Like in the abogani's way here there are two ways to continue: with or without tango-db. The second way assumes that there is another server with the tango database running.

step 1, option with db:
If mysql is not installed in the system do it. I am not sure if this works well being executed in the same apt command. I suggest to first install mysql and then tango:
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$ sudo apt-get install tango-common tango-db tango-starter tango-test python-pytango libtango7-doc omninotify
This also installs the necessary dependencies.

step 1, option without db:
The list of packages to install is the same but without the tango-db package:

$ sudo apt-get install tango-common tango-starter tango-test python-pytango libtango7-doc omninotify

step 2, starter is running in your system:
Check is there are running processes from the new user 'tango'. For example, 
$ ps -ef |grep tango
Should show two process: the DataBaseds (the one who listen the port 10000) and the Starter (the one responsible to launch the device servers on start up in the correct sequence).

Also, another way to check that this works fine, is to try to "import PyTango" in a python interpreter.

I hope soon I will explain how to configure some devices to simulate things of a synchrotron machine. But before we will have to prepare and configure the tango core utilities.

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