
Alba Machine Status

Trying to get pagerank to the Alba's machine status, I like to mention that the beamline 4 is doing their best to start with the commissioning. It's the MSPD on the top left of this machine status and recently we have added the information about its insetion device:

All the 7 beamlines have opened the frontend and they have received their X-rays but this commissioning is ongoing. Some times we go faster than expected, sometimes we have unsolvable problems. But we are doing efforts to be faster than expected.

Next week, the machine will be shutdown to allow us to do some works in side the tunnel.


ollupaC De La Pradera said...

uo! guai! és una gui tau (perdò, "taurus") renderitzada a png o és algun altre invent?

ollupaC De La Pradera said...

i no tinc massa clar que és cada cosa, exigim (jo i el meu amic imaginari) una explicació de cadascun dels paràmetres. xq el life time varia radicalment en cada actualització?

Serguei said...

Ho preguntaré i ho escriuré amb més propietat. Pel que tinc entés el life time ve a ser el temps durant el que es calcula que continuarà l'actual feix, si no toques res. Però sols és lo que he sentit tocar campanes. Quan ho tinga segur ho escric.