
Work from home or what you like

Today, due to the snow in the vicinity, the loudspeakers in Alba's facility have order an unscheduled shutdown of the machine and its beamlines. All the workers had to left the building to go home. Further information to the workers will be sent by email.

Situation like that had happen the past 8th of March in 2010 (picture taken @ 15:12):

I think will not be the same than today @ 10:22:

It's not usual to have snow in the area of Barcelona, but the pictures are very similar. I hope we will not live the chaos of 2010. We would had to learn something...

Update 20120203: Finally the snow wasn't chaotic. Even that the photos are very similar, in 2010 the picture has been taken at the time when the storm went to worse. It was the beginning. After 1 hour the storm was harder, and at 2 hour huge transport problems collapse communications.

Yesterday, the picture has been take when, after we saw, the maximum of the precipitation. At midday, the news says that in the afternoon would have something like an storm. But the clouds went throw the sea, with any other problem for the people.

We've been lucky this time. You only know if it's overreacting or underreacting when you look it from the future. But if you have to choose, it's better to decay to overreact than underreact.

1 comment:

ollupaC De La Pradera said...

"Si total, visc aquí al costat mateix, ja marxaré ja..."
Personalment, vaig aprendre la lliçó, estic convençut que la frase anterior no em tornaria a passar pel cap no...