
On the passing years

"Too much times have rained" from the first stone in half 2006 to today. We have worked hard to see this machine up and running. An incredible amount of effort, some one count it, some one forget it.

Even if the politicians have inaugurate this facility in 2008, it's now when this resource can be used. If I remember correctly, when this has been inaugurated we have been doing the booster commissioning, the installation of the storage ring wasn't completed and don't imagine who the beamlines was.

But today, we have started receiving the first friendly users. In this case, a very similar thing happen. In the news is indistinguishable if they are friendly users (that means we are in the last part of the commissioning) or if they are the users that have applied to the user office call for proposals.

But we have a synchrotron!

Uou! There is a detail on this picture. We have the letters of the synchrotron name painted in the roof of the warehouse. This warehouse is a building in side the are of the synchrotron but the machine and the beamlines are in the circular building in the centre of the image.

Can we see this letters closer?

What the hell! This letters are uncoloured, but they has been painted in 2010 (just when the salaries of the workers has been cutted) and repainted in February 2011.

Why do we have 4 big letters in the roof of a secondary building of this facility?

Can this be only to distinguish the building in google maps?

In a country like españistan everything it is possible. Cut salaries, when paint superfluous letters in a roof.

1 comment:

ollupaC De La Pradera said...

Home, i m'estranya que no vingui en Rajoy ara a tornar-ho a inaugurar...