
When solutions are the answer to different problems

With in this Spanish crisis, many problems have been identified. The main issue are the possible solutions. Every day in the news the citizens are informed about new creative solutions to that problems. The issue of those solutions is that too often they are solutions for other problems or only partial solutions for the announced problem.

Last one is the Spanish health care system. From the last years many times have mentioned that the level of the retirement system is too high, unsustainable. The country can not support that level and the age of retirement was extended and the conditions worsen. It looks like only the public retirement systems was affected and nothing mention about private retirement plans.

Following the same path, the medicine prescriptions from the public health care are now, again, in the target point. Again the terms and conditions "changes during the game" with only one side agreement.

Ok, in Catalunya the citizens will pay extra fee for a prescripted medicine, and also the pensioners who had their medicines for free will have to pay for them. Also Spanish government have its own plan to increase the fee in medicines according to the incomings. Abstractly it looks good, it looks to have solidarity principle. But not in this country.

But what about the very old issue of the containers of the medicines? Long a go have said and now forget, that the containers of the medicines wasn't adapted to the treatments. Very loud have said that this mismatch costs a lot of money to the public resources. Even that the solution is to increase the part that the citizens pay directly by the use instead of fix the problem of the sizing of the medicine boxes.

Well done. This problem is not fix because the implemented solution doesn't fix completely the problem and it's only a temporally patch. Typical Spanish.

Furthermore, because this new fee depending on the incomings request to cross data from treasure department and the health care department a new fraud comes to the surface: an enormous fraud using sanitary cards. That's not new, it was already from long a go in the list of usual frauds in health care. Well they simply quantify it.

But all the citizens will suffer the consequences of this fraud? Isn't this solution worst for the ones who did it correctly? And again, this is a partial patch, it doesn't fix the problem.

A few day a go, another economical announcement from the government: "The with VAT or without it, must finish". The government will fight the black economy when a few weeks a go they promote a tax amnesty.

Day by day we see this, once again and again. Big adds with very big solutions, and after a few days they are forget or implemented in a way that didn't fix the initial problem.

We rescue the banking when the government is not acting to get save the citizens. The system of the mortgages it's dark. In capitalism there are wins and losts of the bets. We know the banks have carried a risk giving loans, but now we can see that in practice they only win.

When the things goes wrong they receive public money to refloat. Public money that created public debt. Due to that the citizens saw how the rules changes during the game (retirement, taxes,...) but the banks law cannot change to avoid a perverse system where the bank move you out of your home, you loose it, and you still have a debt with this bank (who can be bigger that the initial) and if need the bank is rescued.

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