
About many recent anonymous comments

This blog has been configured with rights to post comments to anyone (including anonymous users), and without moderation level. Even that, blogger is blocking spam comments and they are mailed to be check if they are "no spam". Those comments include links to webshops and that is why I didn't pass them to publish.

The reason on this post is that, since a month a go I see a "peak" of a few comments referencing the type of topics on this blog. At the beginning I didn't care about this, because I write about what I want to write, tagging with labels that an eventual reader can discriminate about the topics (assuming that someone else is reading this blog).

This is not a business blog at all. As the name says, when it was chosen, the main topics are cryptography and synchrotron things. This has been mentioned in the opening post and a bit later when I have broaden my intentions. But I am human, an alive human, and the things changes. This change can be said that starts with the first post tagged as politics. My live is not only my job, and my interests are far away from "live to work", I am more on the "work to live". Work is a need on this society system. Further than contribute to the community (an ideal view of the work), to work by now is a need to have the minimums to still be in this society. Even if you like or not the current organization, you need it to still be.

What is happening by today, specially in the behaviour where I live (that is what I can see with my eyes) is too bad to still be only post about the initial topics of this blog. The life is much wider than businesses.

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