
To start 2013

As I've recently said, many projects are open. But the job isn't the only source of projects. It's more the bottleneck of my projects. Often is this job requires too many extra-hours under an uncompensable way: the time dedicated as a workers representative.

It looks far from now, but it's not that far, when we've been having enormous problems in this synchrotron. I remember when the corridors were not save, and at any time you can cross someone that screams you in there. As an example: accusing you of sabotage and in the same conversation telling you that you aren't skilful to do whatever you are being accused, but unknowing about what the hell you are being accused. There were a time that this kind of things have happen once at a month or two.

I remember when a Director interrupt in a workers assembly, screaming and saying that workers doesn't have do decide anything. When two days later, a worker has been fired (technically invited to left the company) being a workers advice. In my opinion this has been the trigger (or at least one of the triggers) of what have happen later on.

Event that the situation scares too much, some of the workers have started to self-organise to change this. We where clear that the things on that institution must change radically. Yes, in my opinion, was the old director who generates the situation of its fall (sorry: ascension to direct a Basque spallation source)

Even that, not all the problems have left this excellence installation. Still too far from being a normal laboratory, there are problems that persist. Hindrances of the past that are a burden in the institution, playing the same roles than with the old director.

We have change the direction but still not the heading. I have hope over 2013 that this institution will follow a good heading.

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