
Tango-ds/ Instrumentation/ TekDPO7000-ds

Today is the day when I can say that my bills can be paid writing free software... Just a couple of minutes a go I publish a Tango Device Server to control in the distributed system the 7000 series Tektronix oscilloscopes. Here, in this blog, can be read the evolution to this goal.

My officially entrance to the free software first line was last March, when Werner Koch decides to include code from the
elliptic curve patch, that was my research project, in the subversion code of libgcrypt. It was not less important (it was a culmination) when in May, Werner publish a libgcrypt development branch that includes support for ECDSA.

This is not a landing operation. This is a
Touch-an-go! A little step from a newbie!

Ps: My first free software contribution was on march 2004, when the elliptic curve project had been release.

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