
Alba Synchrotron Vacancies

Yesterday, 3 new job offers has been publish in the Alba's website with a few minutes of delay between them:

A few minutes later, a position for Experiments Division Head:

And finally, also with a small number of minutes delay, a position for a Director of the facility:

Differences between this offers are "minimals". I mean, for sure they have different functions, but the conditions looks to be the same.

We are still having an acting director and even if the previous experiment division head says that we didn't suffer the Spanish cuts, the reality is that we suffer salaries cuts. All the personnel of Alba (cells) have our salary cut due to a Spanish law. If anyone can think that the cuts didn't affect us, see also that many people left the company during next months after the cut.

But not every thing is bad. A few days a go, the call for experiments proposals from the user office, have finish and we have received hundreds of them. And not only from inside Spain.

First friendly users will come very soon. We are almost ready:

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