
Hollywood industry origin against piracy

Which was the origin of Hollywood? I have read what wikipedia says in the third paragraph of the previous link:
  Various producers and filmmakers moved bases from the east coast to escape punitive licensing from the Motion Picture Patents Company.
A funny reading of that can be, the ones who nowadays are "injured" due to the piracy have started their business with tricks to avoid payments on a patent. The ones who nowadays are moving the flag about the intellectual property menace against piracy, they was the ones who escape the law.

Sure this doesn't represent all the entertainment industry, but even thinking that the ones who escape from this punitive licensing are a minority of this producers and filmmakers, their group origins are "affected" by that.

Many voices, victim like, are justifying the FBI action of the shutdown of megaupload to say that this place is stealing their incomings. But what about the people, with contents in megaupload without a problem of copyright that with this action are being affected? This action is affecting people with less money than the entertainment industry, but the police is not protecting them.

Furthermore, what's the cost of this international operation? Are the governments of this world expending the same number of money trying to clarify the world's bank crisis/fraud? Are this governments fighting against speculation on the markets, specially in the field of the price of the food? Although the money doesn't exist, the cost of the banks black hole is much bigger than the calculated to eradicate the world's poverty in less than one generation.

It is also ridiculous to see the public show on the TVs with images of the big house of the main boss of megaupload (how big is the house, the number of cars he have and the words he put in the plates, his eccentricities in an european cannonball, the guns he would have at home,...). But what do you expect to find in the big houses of the bosses of the entertainment and similar industries? Do they have less eccentricities? They can't reach the end of the month with their salaries?

It looks like a try to break the public image of this people. It remembers me the George Orwel's 1984. When the people was arrested, a long list of bad actions are repeated everywhere to criminalize the person.

I'm not defending, I'm only talking about the public circus created to change/manipulate opinions. This action is not to fix the problems for the common good, it's only to improve the incomings of the ones who have lots of it.

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